The best quality
The maximum quality and purity of products is more than 98%.
Online store of research chemicals
The best choice of chemicals with delivery from the EU and Asia.
Full information about the products
We provide all the necessary information about our products.
Custom synthesis
Custom synthesis, customized orders.
Our Services

ChemicalNS company
We are currently in the process of growth and are a company engaged in innovation in the chemical industry and striving to supply our customers with the latest chemical developments and products of the highest quality.

New research
Our company consists of a team of dedicated professionals, and we regularly conduct new research and experiments to improve our products and obtain new materials so that our products fully meet the needs of scientific research.

Our research and development partners are highly appreciated and we are happy to support you by offering further cooperation.
Custom synthesis
Our company is ready to perform tasks for the synthesis and necessary products of almost any complexity. We have the equipment and practical knowledge of a professional team of chemists at our disposal.
You can always request an individual synthesis at any time convenient to you:
Tell us your chemical element, case, desired production time.
Our specialists will check your information and contact you as soon as possible.

How can we help you? Which product are you interested in? The volume? Where are you from? After receiving the information, we will provide prices and deadlines. Thank you.”
ChemicalNS company Sales Department
Why Choose Us
Valde attenti sumus ad petitiones clientium et sociorum nostrorum et eas summa qualitate novorum productorum praebere conamur.
In our team only professional chemists and specialists who know their business, as well as only modern equipment and mateials for accurate, high-quality and successful work.
24 hours a day, 5 days a week.